Solar PV Battery Installation
This project was put together for the education of the college's students into solar PV and battery storage. The installation included a flat roof system by K2, this is a working PV array of 3.6Kw with solar edge optimisers to increase the systems efficiencies while shading is casted over the panels. This system is expected to produce 3.16MWh per year. The installation bay houses an electric vehicle charger, PV inverter, consumer unit and standalone 5.2 KWh battery storage system with AC coupled inverter. This is a full working system using the roof mounted PV array. The fault finding booth is the same as the working booth (not energised) but with the addition of 2 panels wall mounted to simulate a working system. This booth has the ability to apply faults to the system to simulate damage to panels, insulation break down faults and breaks within the cabling. This will be used to assess the students on their understanding of how these systems work, what readings will be shown by test equipment in the event of a fault, and how to locate a fault. We also installed 2 pitched roof mounting systems on mock tiled roofs to show students the industry standard and good practices. One roof has panels installed and the other without to show how the rails are fitted to a roof.